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Renée Trnková


It's not what you look at that matters, it's what you see.
H. D. Thoreau
   You can see my paintings in my own private gallery near Prague, Czech Rep. - tel. +420 602 253837
 Connect with me:
reneegallery on saatchi online
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If you want to buy a painting, or should you have questions or anything else, I will be happy when you call me or write an e-mail

cell phone: (+420) 602 253 837
e-mail: renee.trnkova@post.cz

last update: July 1, 2021  l  
 >> you are: Renée's Gallery  >>  Contacts
Renée Trnková   e-mail: renee.trnkova@post.cz   l  cell: (+420) 602 253 837  l